This year Belleville held it's "Flavours of Fall" festival with tasty $2 apple-themed snacks at many downtown restaurants, as well as pumpkin carving in Market Square, horse drawn wagon rides, free movies, balloon art, a hot dog and chili cook out, live music, street dancing and a lot more.
And the Society opened it's storefront office at 208 Front Street to visitors.
As usual, it got very busy and we lost track of how many visitors came in to look at the displays. Our estimate is about 150, and we enjoyed meeting you all.

Some of the volunteers who helped at the storefront office on Saturday:
Pictured from left to right are Bill Kennedy (Outlook editor), Sharon White (Archivist for the Society, City, and Hastings County), Dick Hughes (President) and John Lowry (Director).

A "hay ride" passing in front of the Society's storefront office.
Exhibit panels and a few of the many visitors.

Looking north up front street towards the Main stage. And the Quinte Twirlers showing their stuff.
Pictures and story Nick White an album of pictures can be viewed here
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