
Most of the articles on this blog have appeared, often in a shortened form, in Outlook.

Outlook is the newsletter published nine times a year by the Hastings County Historical Society and is distributed to members and friends of the Society in Hastings County.

Outlook has been published since 1957. Some recent editions (in pdf format) may be found on the Society's website and copies of most past issues of may be obtained by contacting the Society on their web site (photo-copying and postage charges may be charged).

Link to the HCHS web site

If you would like to submit an article to Outlook you can send the article (with pictures) by historic postal mail or email it to archives.hastingshistory(at)gmail.com

Copyright: When you send a article to the Society you are giving permission to the Society to publish the material and asserting you have the right to give that permission. We credit both the author of the text and photographer (if applicable) when we publish articles so don't forget to include that information.